1st National Forum of Innovation Sowers

Events and Trade Shows

As the winner of the 4S Semeur d’innovation competition organized by Crédit Mutuel, BlueCare Discovery was invited to the Cité du Cinéma in Paris to celebrate innovations with a positive impact. Out of the 1385 applications initially received, we were among the 64 French winners invited to the event.

Crédit Mutuel is a mission-driven company. It allocates 15% of its dividends to projects with impact, which totals 250 million euros per year. The real impact today necessarily involves a triple impact: ecological, economic, and social.

This also includes quality of life through the concept of “proximité heureuse” (happy proximity): the 15-minute city where at least 3 out of 6 criteria are met (access to health, to shops, to culture, to nature, etc.) in less than 15 minutes (Carlos Moreno, Panthéon Sorbonne University).

Indeed, the new geographic economy of proximity will create new opportunities for startups! BlueCare fully identifies with this vision and is committed to contributing as much as possible to the positive impact on the planet and society.